Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren

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Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Le Mans Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren
Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Le Mans Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren
Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Le Mans Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren
Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Le Mans Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren

Das könnte dir auch gefallen


Herren Jacke Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Roadmaster

Farbe Blau Gulf / Orange und blaue Sreifen

Obermaterial 100% Baumwolle

Innenfutter 100% polyester

Jacke ist wie der Rennanzug formschlüssig

Gestickte Aufnäher auf der Vorderseite : Gulf, Heur, GrandPrix Originals

Gestickter Aufnäher der amerikanischen Flagge auf dem linken Ärmel

Reißverschluss in Form eines Gaspedals 

1 horizontale aufgesetzte Tasche auf der Brust

2 Außentaschen ohne Verschluss 

2 Innentaschen mit Reißverschluss und Knopfverschluss 


Der Klassiker, abgeleitet von Steve McQueens Rennoverall aus dem Rennes "Le Mans“


"One time, when I was with him, he drove a brand new convertible, with only thirty miles on the odometer, at top speed for such a long stretch of the Texas highway that the engine began to smoke and eventually caught on fire. He slowed down and shouted to me, "Clax, when i tell you to jump, jump!"

We did jump out of the car just as it burst into flames. Steve sat on the side of the country road at a safe distance from the burning vehicle and laughed his head off" - William Claxton


Steve McQueen was passionate about sports cars. Prematurely dead, this man will be multifaceted: daredevil motocross and sports cars driver, movie star, father, sex symbol, both nice and naughty boy.

Forever associated with Porsche, in the movie "Le Mans», driving both his nice slate grey 911 S and the monstrous Porsche 917 GULF , wearing his famous beige jacket with red and blue stripes , Steve McQueen is " king of cool " .


Assert your wild side through the GULF collection by Selection RS!


Referenz :

Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Roadmaster Blau Gulf - Herren

119,95 €
170,00 €

Herren Jacke Gulf Jacke Michael Delaney / Steve Mcqueen Roadmaster

Farbe Blau Gulf / Orange und blaue Sreifen

Obermaterial 100% Baumwolle

Innenfutter 100% polyester



Der Klassiker, abgeleitet von Steve McQueens Rennoverall aus dem Rennes „Le Mans“

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