Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre

Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre
Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre
Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre
Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre


Title Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre

Author Michaël Levivier / Thomas Cortesi

Language french

240 sheets

Many B&W and color illustrations

Year 2020

Dimensions : 27.8 x 36.2 cm

ISBN 978-2-37671-238-1


Abstract :

Since 1903, Harley-Davidson has symbolized the American dream. Enthusiastic amateurs or enlightened professionals tell of their passion for these charismatic V-twins. Original or personalized, prepared to the extreme to go around the world or transform into competition beasts, chiseled like rough diamonds, these Harleys bring together mechanical enthusiasts, aesthetes as well as lovers of freedom who, all together form the Harley-Davidson community.

Product Details

Reference :

Book Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre


Title Harley-Davidson - Un art de vivre

Author Michaël Levivier / Thomas Cortesi

Language french

240 sheets

Many B&W and color illustrations

Year 2020

Dimensions : 27.8 x 36.2 cm

ISBN 978-2-37671-238-1

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